

"Sire," said Aladdin, "I pray you to let me know my crime by which I have lost thy favor."

Then he led Aladdin to a window and said: "You ought to know where your palace stood. Look, and tell me what has become of it."

Aladdin was as much amazed as the Sult
an had been. "True, it is vanished," he said after a speechless pause, "but I have had no concern in its removal. I beg you to give me forty days, and if in that time I cannot restore it, I will offer my head to be dis
posed of at your pleasure."

"I give you the time you ask," answered the Sultan, "but at the end of forty days forget not to present yourself before me."

On the third day he wandere
d into the country. As he approached a river he slipped and fell down a bank. Clutching at a rock to save himself, he rubbed his ring, and instantly the genie whom he had seen in the cave appeared before him.

Aladdin had never thought of help from this quarter and said with delight: "Genie, show me where the palace I caused to be built now stands, or bring it back where it first stood."
于是君主领阿拉丁至窗前说:「你该知道你宫殿的所在。 你看!告诉我,那宫殿怎么回事了?」
C 阿拉丁之惊惶失措的神情,和君主初次见到时一般。 「真的,宫殿消失了!」他经过片刻的沉思无法言语之后,才说道:「但是我和迁移一事,绝没有关连。 请您给我四十天,四十天之内我如不能把宫殿复原,我愿奉上我的头颅任您处置。」
C 「我给你所请求的时间,」君主回答说:「但四十天过了之后,不要忘记此时你自己对我所说的话。」

C 阿拉丁在地方上徘徊了三天。 第三天,当他走近一条河的时候,摔了一跤而使得河堤倒了下来。 他抓住了一块石头,想藉以保护自己而摩擦到他手上的戒指,这时他从前在洞里见过的巨人妖怪,立刻又出现在他面前。
C 阿拉丁从没想到这一方面的援助,所以快乐地说:「妖怪!把我宫殿的最近地点指给我看;或把宫殿恢复原位。」

