

He took a box of jewels with him and set off in search of the Princess.

Now the Hindu had ridden with the Princess until he came to the Vale of Cashmere. Here he let the Enchanted Horse come to the ground, but he did not at once enter the city. He told the Princess he meant
to have her for a wife, and when she would not consent he began to beat her. The Sultan of Cashmere was near at hand with some of the people of his court. He saw the Hindu raise his hand to beat the Princess, and he
stopped him and asked, "Why do you beat this woman?"

"Because she is my wife and will not obey me."

"I am not his wife," cried the Princess.

The Sultan could not help believing so beautiful a woman, and he at once bade his officers cut off the Hindu's head, and led the Princess back with him to the palace. She was overjoyed, and thought he would now restore her to the
Prince of Persia. The Sultan said nothing, but placed her in the hands of the women of the palace and had her beautifully dressed.

The Princess heard the trumpets sounding and the drums beating. She thought this was a notice of her return, but soon the Sultan entered and told her to make ready to marry him, the Princess was in despair at this, and threw herself down in her grief.
却说印度人带着公主骑着飞马,直到克什米尔山谷。 才把马降落在地上,但并没有立刻进城去。 他告诉公主,准备要娶她为妻,但公主不肯顺从,他就开始动手打她。 这时刚好克什米尔地区的回教君王和他的几个朝臣在附近的地方。 见到了印度人举手殴打公主,立即制止他,并问道:「你为什么打这女人?」


这下子君王不得不相信这样一个美丽的女人,就立即命令官员把印度人杀了,领着公主来到宫中。 她非常的高兴,心想他会把她归还波斯王子的。 但君王却一言不发,祇把她交给宫女,让她穿上最美丽的衣服。

当公主听见号角击鼓之声。 以为是送她回去的通告,但是一会儿的工夫,君王就进来告诉她,要她准备和他结婚。公主至此大为失望,悲伤之余,不禁倒在地上昏过去了。

