

At the upper end sat a comely, venerable gentleman, with a long white beard, and behind him stood a
number of officers and servants, all ready to attend his pleasure. This person was Sindbad.

Now Sindbad had heard the porter's complaint through the window, and this it was that led him to send for H
indbad. When the feast was over, Sindbad addressed him, asking his name and employment, and said: "I wish to hear from your own mouth what you said just now in the street."

Hindbad hung his head in s
hame, and answered: "My lord, I confess that my fatigue put me out of humor, and, for the rash words I uttered, I beg your pardon."

"Do not think me so unjust," said Sindbad, "as to resent them. Do n
ot mistake, before attaining this estate I suffered for several years more trouble of body and mind than can well be imagined. Yes, gentlemen," he added, turning to the whole company, "what I have endured would cure the greatest misery
of this love of riches, and with your leave I will relate to you the dangers I have met."

The First Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor
在上位坐着一个仪态高雅、值得崇敬的男士,他须白而长,且身后站着许多仆役,随时准备服侍他的需求。 这人便是辛巴达。
原来辛巴达从窗口里,听到挑夫的抱怨,于是成为辛巴达请他进来的原因。 宴会之后,辛巴达和他说话,问他的姓名和职业,然后说道:「我极想听你把刚才在街上所说的话亲口再说一遍。」

C 哈迪达觉得十分羞愧,回答道:「阁下!我承认疲劳使我变得心情浮躁,对于我所说的粗鲁的话,深望予以见谅。」
C 「不要以为我是那么不明事理的人,」辛巴达说:「会为了这样就生气。 不要误会,在拥有这些财产以前,我的身心在数年间一直遭受着难以想象的苦难。 诸位先生!这是真实的。」他接着向大家说道:「我患过可以被治好的最悲惨的爱财病,现在趁这机会,我把所遇到过的危险告诉你们诸位。」

C 初次航行。

