

Ali Baba went boldly into the cave, and collected as much of the gold coin which was in bags,
as he thought his asses could carry.

When he reached home, he carefully closed the gate of his little yard, and carried the bags into the house. They were emptied before his wife, and the great heap of
gold dazzled her eyes. Then he told her the whole adventure, and warned her, above all things, to keep it secret.

Ali Baba would not let her take the time to count it out as she wished, but said: "I w
ill dig a hole and bury it."

"But let us know as nearly as may be," she said, "how much we have. I will borrow a small measure, and measure it, while you dig a hole."

Away she ran to the wife of Cassim, who lived near by, and asked for a measure. The sister-in -law, knowing Ali Baba's poverty, was curious to learn what sort of grain his wife wished to measure out, and artfully managed to put some suet
in the bottom of the measure before she handed it over. Ali Baba's wife wanted to show how careful she was in small matters and, after she had measured the gold, hurried back, even while her husband was burying it, with the borrowed mea
sure, never noticing that a coin had stuck to its bottom.
当他到家时,他小心谨慎的关闭了小庭院的门,再把每个袋子拿进屋里。 当每个袋子在他的妻子面前倒出来时,一大堆的金币使她为之目眩。 然后他才告诉她整个冒险的经过,并且警告她必须严守秘密。
「但至少我们要知道大约有多少?」她说:「我们究竟有多少? 在你掘洞时,我去借一只小测量器来量量看。」
C 她跑到住在附近的寇米的妻子那儿,借了一个测量器。 嫂子知道阿里巴巴穷困的情形,好奇地想知道他妻子到底是种了什么谷物需要测量?所以出借前在测量器底下狡诈地涂了一些牛油。 而阿里巴巴的妻子为了想要表现她在这件小事上是多么的小心谨慎,所以在量完金钱之后,当她丈夫掩埋金币时,就仓卒地还回去了,而没有注意到测量器底下附着一个金币。

文章标签:双语阅读  十大  
