

The bird would say nothing at first, but when the Princess threatened to take its life, it ba
de her sprinkle every stone on her way down the mountain with a little water from the golden fountain. As she did this, each stone became a man on a horse, fully equipped. Among these men were her brothers, Bahman and
Perviz, who exchanged with her the most loving embraces. When she had told them and the band of noble youths how she had brought them back to life, she bade them follow her to the old Dervish, to thank him for his good advice, which the
y had all found to be sincere. But he was dead, whether from old age, or because he was no longer needed. The procession, headed by Periezadeh, went on, growing smaller in numbers day by day as the youths who had start
ed with it departed by the roads leading to their various countries.

As soon as the Princess reached home, she placed the cage in the garden; and the bird no sooner began to warble than he was surrounded by nightingal
es, larks, linnets, goldfinches, and every sort of bird in the country. The branch of the tree was no sooner planted than it took root, and in a short time became a large tree, the leaves of which gave as sweet a concert as those of the
tree from which it was gathered.
最初,鸟儿不肯说,后来公主恐吓要把它杀死才告诉她,在下山时用黄金水洒在每一个石头上即可。 她照样做了,每一块石头就变成一个人骑在马上,很整齐的装束着。 众人之中就有他的哥哥巴伦和托维斯,他们给予对方最亲爱的拥抱。 当她告诉两位兄长及其它少年们是如何救了他们的性命后,就请他们跟她到回教隐士那儿去,向他道谢他的忠告,他们觉得忠告真是出于一片诚心的。 然而隐士却死了,不知道他是老死的,还是因为自觉已无用处而死的。 这一队人马由特侣嘉率领前进,人数日渐减少,因为同时出发的少年们,都往回归本国的道路,依次分道回去了。
公主一到家,就把笼子挂在花园里,于是能言鸟一旦鸣叫,夜莺、百灵鸟、小红雀、金丝雀以及国内各种鸟都来围着它唱歌。 歌唱树的树枝种了不久就生根,顷刻之间变成大树,树叶所发出的音乐,甜美得和各树叶本来的歌声一般。

