

I describe all this the more carefully, because I in a few weeks' time was to be the chief ac
tor on a similar occasion. Alas! My own wife fell sick and died. I made every plea I could to the king not to expose me, a foreigner, to this inhuman law. I appealed in vain. The kin
g and all his court, with the chief persons of the city, sought to soften my sorrow by honoring the funeral with their presence, and when the ceremony was finished, I was lowered into the pit with a vessel full of water and seven loaves. As I neared the bottom, I saw, by the aid of a little light that came from above, what sort of place it was it seemed an endless cavern, and might be about fifty fathoms deep.

I lived for some time upon my bread and w
ater, when one day, just as I was nearly exhausted, I heard something tread, breathing or panting as it moved. I followed the sound. Sometimes the animal seemed to stop, but always fled and breathed hard as I approache
d. I pursued it till at last I saw a light, like a star. I went on, sometimes lost sight of it, but always found it again, and at last discovered that it came through a hole in the rock, which I got through, and found
myself, to my great joy, upon the seashore, and shortly afterwards saw a ship making for the place where I was.
我之所以叙述得如此详细,实在是因为数星期之后,我一样也变成相同情形的主角。 我!我自己的妻子生病死了。 我竭力请求国王不要使我这外来的客人,承受这残忍的法律。 结果我的请求还是失败了。 国王和所有的朝廷大臣,以及城里的重要人士都亲自前来,以充满荣耀的丧礼来安慰我的悲伤!于是在葬礼完毕之后,我和一瓶水及七块面包一同被放在穴中。 因被放置到接近穴底的地方,所以借着上面照射下来的光线,能看出这是怎样的一个地方;看来好似无底洞穴,大概五十噚的深度。
我靠面包和水活了好些时候。一日,我快要饿死的时候,听见有东西在行走所发出的呼吸和喘息声。 我追踪着声音。 那动物好象停了脚步,当我走近时,它总是逃避和喘息着。 我追过去,一直追到我最后见到像是一颗星的光亮为止。 我继续走着,有时看不见路,但往往又找着了。最后发觉光线是由山石的洞中射出,而穿过了这个洞,让我万分欣喜,原来自己已到海滩上了。不久见一艘船向这里驶来。

