

For this purpose he returned to the town, disguised as a merchant of silks. By d
egrees he brought from his cavern many sorts of fine stuffs and to dispose of these he took a warehouse that happened to be opposite Cassim's, which Ali Baba's son occupied since the death of his uncle.

He took the na
me of Cogia Houssain, and as a new-comer was very civil to the merchants near him. Ali Baba's son was one of the first to converse with him, and the new merchant was most friendly. Within two or three days Ali Baba cam
e to see his son, and the captain of the robbers knew him at once, and soon learned from his son who he was. From that time forth he was still more polite to Ali Baba's son, who soon felt bound to repay many kindnesses to his new friend

As his own house was small, he arranged with his father that on a certain afternoon, when he and the merchant were passing by Ali Baba's house, they should stop, and he should ask them both to sup with him. The plan was carried out, though at first the merchant, with whose own plans it agreed perfectly, made as if to excuse himself. He even gave it as a reason for not remaining that he could eat no salt in his victuals.
他怀着这个目的又回到城里,假扮成一个绸布商。 他逐次从洞穴中带来许多样美好的绸缎,为了销售便租了一幢货栈,这货栈恰巧在寇米家的货栈对面,而寇米家的货栈自寇米死后,便由阿里巴巴的儿子接管。
C 盗贼首领化名叫「哥奇亚颂森」,而且假装像是新来的人一般,对于邻近店家非常客气。 C 阿里巴巴的儿子是最先和他交往的人之中的一个,并和这位新来的商人十分友好。 两、三天后,阿里巴巴来看他的儿子,盗贼首领一见,立刻认出他是谁了。 从这时起,盗贼首领对阿里巴巴的儿子更加客气,使得阿里巴巴的儿子不得不回谢他新朋友的许多好意。
C 因为他自己的房子很小,阿里巴巴的儿子便和父亲商量,某一天午后,当他和商人经过阿里巴巴屋子时,他们会停留下来,一起在家里吃个饭。 这个计画便立即付诸实施,虽然那个商人知道这和自己的策略不谋而合,不过他还是假装表示客气。 并且说明他不能留下来的原因,只为了他不吃有盐的食物。

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