
And when I found him again at the well, the sight of him charm'd me

Just as if I had-seen an angel descending from heaven.
And I follow'd him willingly" target="_blank" title="ad.情愿地,乐意地">willingly, when as a servant he sought me,

But by my heart in truth I was flatter'd (I need must confess it),
As I hitherward came, that I might possibly win him,

If I became in the house an indispensable pillar.
But, alas, I now see the dangers I well nigh fell into,

When I bethought me of living so near a silently-loved one.
Now for the first time I feel how far removed a poor maiden

Is from a richer youth, however clever she may be.
I have told you all this, that you my heart may mistake not,

Which an event that in thought I foreshadow has wounded already.
For I must have expected, my secret wishes concealing,

That, ere much time had elapsed, I should see him bringing his bride home.
And how then could I have endured my hidden affliction!

Happily I am warn'd in time, and out of my bosom
Has my secret escaped, whilst curable still is the evil.

But no more of the subject! I now must tarry no longer
In this house, where I now am standing in pain and confusion,

All my foolish hopes and my feelings freelyconfessing.
Not the night which, with sinking clouds, is spreading around us,

Not the rolling thunder (I hear it already) shall stop me,
Not the falling rain, which outside is descending in torrents,

Not the blustering storm. All this I had to encounter
In that sorrowfulflight, while the enemy follow'd behind Us.

And once more I go on my way, as I long have been wont to,
Seized by the whirlpool of time, and parted from all that I care for.

So farewell! I'll tarry no longer. My fate is accomplish'd!"
Thus she spoke, and towards the door she hastily turn'd her,

Holding under her arm the bundle she brought when arriving.
But the mother seized by both of her arms the fair maiden,

Clasping her round the body, and cried with surprise and amazement
"Say, what signifies this? These fruitless tears, what denote they?

No, I'll not leave you alone! You're surely my dear son's betroth'd one!"
But the father stood still, and show'd a great deal of reluctance,

Stared at the weeping girl, and peevishly spoke then as follows
"This, then, is all the indulgence my friends are willing to give me,

That at the close of the day the most unpleasant thing happens!
For there is nothing I hate so much as the tears of a woman,

And their passionate cries, set up with such heat and excitement,
Which a little plain sense would show to be utterly needless.

Truly, I find the sight of these whimsical doings a nuisance.
Matters must shift for themselves; as for me, I think it is bed-time."

So he quickly turn'd round, and hasten'd to go to the chamber
Where the marriage-bed stood, in which he slept for the most part.

But his son held him back, and spoke in words of entreaty
"Father, don't go in a hurry, and be not amniote with the maiden!

I alone have to bear the blame of all this confusion,
Which our friend has increased by his unexpected dissembling.

Speak then, honour'd Sir! for to you the affair I confided;
Heap not up pain and annoyance, but rather complete the whole matter;

For I surely in future should not respect you so highly,
If you play practical jokes, instead of displaying true wisdom."

Thereupon the worthypastor smilingly answer'd
"What kind of wisdom could have extracted the charmingconfession

Of this good maiden, and so have reveal'd all her character to us?
Is not your care converted at once to pleasure and rapture?

Speak out, then, for yourself! Why need explanations from others
Hermann then stepped forward, and gently address'd her as follows

"Do not repent of your tears, nor yet of your passing affliction;
For they perfect my happiness; yours too, I fain would consider.

I came not to the fountain, to hire so noble a maiden
As a servant, I came to seek to win you affections.

But, alas! my timid gaze had not strength to discover
Your heart's leanings; it saw in your eye but a friendly expression,

When you greeted it out of the tranquilfountain's bright mirror.
Merely to bring you home, made half of my happiness certain

But you now make it complete! May every blessing be yours, then!"
Then the maiden look'd on the youth with heartfelt emotion,

And avoided not kiss or embrace, the summit of rapture,
When they also are to the loving the long-wish'd-for pledges

Of approaching bliss in a life which now seems to them endless.
Then the pastor told the others the whole of the story;

But the maiden came and gracefully" target="_blank" title="ad.优美地,斯文地">gracefully bent o'er the father,
Kissing the while his hand, which he to draw back attempted.

And she said:--" I am sure that you will forgive the surprised one,
First for her tears of sorrow, and then for her tears of true rapture.

O forgive the emotions by which they both have been prompted,
And let me fully enjoy the bliss that has now been vouchsafed me!

Let the first vexation, which my confusion gave rise to,
Also be the last! The loving service which lately

Was by the servant promised, shall now by the daughter be render'd."
And the father, his tears concealing, straightwayembraced her;

Lovingly came the mother in turn, and heartily kiss'd her,
Warmly shaking her hand; and silently wept they together.

Then in a hasty manner, the good and sensiblepastor
Seized the hand of the father, his wedding-ring off from his finger

Drawing (not easily though; so plump was the member that held it)
Then he took the mother's ring, and betroth'd the two children,

Saying:--"Once more may it be these golden hoops' destination
Firmly to fasten a bond altogether resembling the old one!

For this youth is deeply imbued with love for the maiden,
And the maidenconfesses that she for the youth has a liking.

Therefore, I now betroth you, and wish you all blessings hereafter,
With the parents' consent, and with our friend here as a witness."

And the neighbour bent forward, and added his own benediction;
But when the clergyman placed the gold ring on the hand of the maiden,

He with astonishment saw the one which already was on it,
And which Hermann before at the fountain had anxiously noticed.

Whereupon he spoke in words at once friendly and jesting
"What! You are twice engaging yourself? I hope that the first one

May not appear at the altar, unkindly forbidding the banns there!"
But she said in reply:--"O let me devote but one moment

To this mournful remembrance! For well did the good youth deserve it,
Who, when departing, presented the ring, but never return'd home.

All was by him foreseen, when freedom's love of a sudden,
And a desire to play his part in the new-found Existence,

Drove him to go to Paris, where prison and death were his portion.
'Farewell,' said he, 'I go; for all things on earth are in motion

At this moment, and all things appear in a state of disunion.
Fundamental laws in the steadiest countries are loosen'd,

And possessions are parted from those who used to possess them,
Friends are parted from friends, and love is parted from love too.

I now leave you here, and whether I ever shall see you
Here again,--who can tell? Perchance these words will our last be.

Man is a stranger here upon earth, the proverb informs us;
Every person has now become more a stranger than ever.

Ours the soil is no longer; our treasures are fast flying from us;
All the sacred old vessels of gold and silver are melted,

All is moving, as though the old-fashion'd world would roll backwards
Into chaos and night, in order anew to be fashion'd.

You of my heart have possession, and if we shall ever here-after
Meet again over the wreck of the world, it will be as new creatures,

All remodell'd and free and independent of fortune;
For what fetters can bind down those who survive such a period!

But if we are destined not to escape from these dangers,
If we are never again to embrace each other with raptures

O then fondly keep in your thoughts my hovering image,
That you may be prepared with like courage for good and ill fortune!

If a new home or a new alliance should chance to allure you,
Then enjoy with thanks whatever your destiny offers,

Purely loving the loving, and grateful to him who thus loves you.
But remember always to tread with a circumspect footstep,

For the fresh pangs of a second loss will behind you be lurking.
Deem each day as sacred; but value not life any higher

Than any other possession, for all possessions are fleeting.'

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