

Visiting an Old Friend's Country PlaceMeng Haoran

故人具鸡黍,An old friend prepared chicken and brown rice

邀我至田家.And had me over to see his country place.

绿树村边合,Green trees encircled his village;

青山郭外斜.Green hills peered down its gate way.

开轩面场圃,His windows looked down on a sunny threshing ground.

把酒话桑麻.Over wine we discussed hemp-and-mulberries.

待到重阳日,"Wait till it's Double Ninth Day again," said my friend.

还来就菊花."Come back then and drink to the chrysanthemums we grow."

Hemp-and-mulberries: Farm affairs.

Double Ninth Day: September the ninth (by the lunar calendar), a day to scale a height, i.e. to climb a hill and enjoy the limpid autumn air.

