

The Palace Of The Sui Emperor

紫泉宫殿锁烟霞His Palace of Purple Spring has been taken by mist and cloud,

欲取芜城作帝家As he would have taken all Yangzhou to be his private domain

玉玺不缘归日角But for the seal of imperial jade being seized by the first Tang Emperor,

锦帆应是到天涯He would have bounded with his silken sails the limits of the world.

於今腐草无萤火Fire-flies are gone now, have left the weathered grasses,

终古垂杨有暮鸦But still among the weeping-willows crows perch at twilight.

地下若逢陈後主...If he meets, there underground, the Later Chen Emperor,

岂宜重问後庭花Do you think that they will mention a Song of Courtyard Flowers?

  • domain [də´mein,dəu-] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.领土;版图;范围 四级词汇
