

So Hercules agreed to take the weight of the heavens on his own shoulders, if Atlas would get hi
m some of the golden apples. This Atlas could do, because the nymphs who guarded the apples were his daughters, and with their help, Atlas could put the dragon to sleep.

Atlas stepped out, shaking his
head wildly, shouting and leaping with gladness at being free once more. He went joyously across the land, splashing through cool streams and striding through the green grass.

Hercules held the heavens
until Atlas finally returned with his big hands and deep pockets filled with golden apples. Atlas begged that he might carry them to Hercules's land and deliver them. But Hercules was afraid that if Atlas went he migh
t never come back, so he asked Atlas to hold the earth until he rested his shoulders. He then set the sky again on the giant's shoulders and went back to Thebes with the golden apples.

When Hercules ar
rived with the apples, Eurystheus began to realize that there was nothing he could think of that would be too much for the hero. But he decided to try just once more.
因此,海克力斯答应说:「如果亚特劳斯能为他取来金苹果,他便将天体的重负放在自己肩上。」 这件事对亚特劳斯来说是易如反掌的,因为看守苹果的女神们,都是他的女儿,藉由她们的帮助,亚特劳斯可以使这巨龙睡觉。
亚特劳斯迈开脚步,热烈地摇着他的头,连喊带跳地高兴再度获得自由。 他快快乐乐地走过田园,践踏着水渡过清凉的溪流,昂首阔步地踏过绿色的草原。
海克力斯扛着天,直到亚特劳斯的大手与深口袋里装满金苹果回来为止。 亚特劳斯央求说他可以把金苹果带到海克力斯的国家,并把它们交出去。 但是,海克力斯唯恐他一去不回,于是要他在地上支撑一些时候,让他歇歇肩膀。 然后,他把天再度放回这位巨人的肩上,他则带着金苹果回底比斯去了。
当海克力斯带着金苹果抵达的时候,优雷休斯开始领悟到,他已经想不出其它可以让这位英雄受不了的工作了。 但是他还是决定再试一次。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
