

After this, Arachne's tapestries always showed some touch of the new colour. T
hey now found a ready sale, and, in fact, soon became famous.

Arachne's family changed their little cottage for a much larger house. Her mother did not have to work in the fields any more, nor was her
father any longer obliged to go out in his boat to catch fish.

Arachne herself became as famous as her tapestries. She heard admiring words on every side, and I am sorry to say that her head was a litt
le turned by them. When, as often happened, people praised the beautiful colour that had been produced by the little shellfish, she did not tell how her father had helped her, but took all the credit to herself.

While she was weaving, a group of people often stood behind her loom, watching the pictures grow. One day she overheard someone say that even the great goddess, Minerva, the patrongoddess of spinning and weaving, could not w
eave more beautiful tapestries than this plain fisherman's daughter. This was a very foolish thing to say, but Arachne thought it was true. She heard another say that Arachne wove so beautifully that she must have been
taught by Minerva herself.

Now, the truth is, that Minerva had taught Arachne.
此后,何瑞克宁所织的织锦上常带几分这种新色彩的成分。 而且现在只需很短的时间就可以把它们全卖完,而且,马上就出名了。
何瑞克宁的家人把他们的小屋子翻修成大房子。 她的母亲已经不需要到田里工作,她的父亲也不必坐船出海捕鱼了。
何瑞克宁本人和她所织的布同样有名。 她听到来自四面八方的赞美声。但很遗憾地,她的态度因此变得有点狂妄。 每次当人们夸奖她能由那么小的贝壳作出如此美丽的颜色来时,她总不说是父亲帮助她的,而将所有的功劳归于自己。
在她织布的时候,有一群人常站在织布机后面,观赏即将完成的图案。 某一天,她听见有人说:「即使是伟大的女神蜜娜娃─即纺织的守护神,也无法织出比这个普通的渔夫女儿所织的更华丽的东西来了。」 说出这样的话实在太愚蠢了,可是何瑞克宁却把它当真。 她也听到另一个人说:「何瑞克宁能织出如此美丽的织物,一定是蜜娜娃本人教她的。」

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
