

Feeling as if he were choking, he took a sip of water, and at the touch of his lips even this became
liquid gold.

Then all his bright treasures began to look ugly to him, and his heart grew as heavy as if that, too, were turning to gold.

That night King Midas lay down under a gorgeous
golden counterpane, with his head upon a pillow of solid gold; but he could not rest, sleep would not come to him. As he lay there, he began to fear that his queen, his little children, and all his kind friends, might be changed to har
d, golden statues.

This would be more deplorable than anything else that had resulted from his foolish wish. Poor Midas saw now that riches were not the most desirable of all things.
He was cured forever of his love of gold. The instant it was daylight he rushed to Bacchus, and implored the god to take back his fatal gift.

"Ah," said Bacchus, smiling, "so you have gold enough, at l
ast. Very well. If you are sure that you do not wish to change anything more into that metal, go and bathe in the spring where the river Pactolus rises. The pure water of that spring will wash away th
e Golden Touch.

那晚,麦得斯王躺在美丽的金被子下睡觉,把头靠在坚硬的金枕上。但是却使他片刻不能休息,一点也没有睡意。 他一边睡觉,一边开始担忧他的妃子和小孩子们,以及亲爱的朋友们,说不定也会变成坚硬的金塑像。
这件事比从他的愚蠢愿望,所产生的任何结果还要悲惨! 可怜的麦得斯王现在终于觉悟,富有绝不是万物中最让人渴望的。 他的嗜金病被彻底的治愈了。 天一亮,他立刻赶往贝可斯的住所,恳求神收回这要不得的礼物。
「哦!」贝可斯笑嘻嘻地说:「那么!你终于拥有足够的黄金啦! 那太好了。 你如果真的不希望把更多的东西变成金属的话,就前去贝克都勒斯河的源头,以泉水洗澡。 那纯净的泉水可以洗去点金术的魔力。」

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
