

The Argonauts sailed a long way farther, and saw many strange things. One day
they passed the Island of Mars, where the Stymphalian birds built their nests, and here they found two sons of Phrixus who had been shipwrecked. They took these men into their ship, and gave them food and clothing. Fro
m them they found out that AEetes, the king of Colchis, was a cruel and wicked man whom they would have good reason to fear; and that the Golden Fleece was guarded by a most frightfuldragon. Soon after this they reached Colchis. They came into the harbour at night, and anchored the Argo among trees and thick-growing bushes, where it would not be likely to be discovered.

The next day, after a consultation with the heroes, J
ason went straight to King AEetes, and told him on what errand he had come.

"Oho! so you wish to take the Golden Fleece home with you?" said AEetes. "Well, take it! You are quite welcome. But first, I am sure, you will not object to doing one or two little things to oblige me. Just yoke my bulls there to the plough, and plough a few acres in the Field of Mars.
「阿格号」一行人航行到更远的地方,遇见许多奇妙的事情。 有一天,他们经过「食人鸟」筑巢的马斯岛附近。在此他们发现以前遇到船难的佛里克塞斯的两个儿子, 他们带这两人到自己的船上来,给他们食物和衣服。 他们由两人口中得知可吉斯王易特士是一个既残忍又恶毒的人,令人不寒而栗,而且金羊毛是由相当可怕的龙护卫着。 不久,他们到达可吉斯。 而在晚上驶入港口,把锚拋投到不易被发现的树木及丛生的灌木林中,系住「阿格号」。

「那么,拿去吧! 非常欢迎你把它拿回去! 不过,首先你要遵照我的意思去做一、两件事情: 请把我的那头牡牛套上犁,并在马斯的田地上耕出四、五英亩地来。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
