

The 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd looked as beautiful as any flower on the mountain, or as the swans which were float
ing in the lake nearby, with their heads tucked under their wings. If it had not been for his regular breathing, Selene would have believed that she stood looking at a marblestatue. There, at a little distance, lay hi
s sheep and goats, unguarded, and liable to be attacked by wild beasts. Oh, Endymion was a very careless牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd! That was the effect of the air on Mount Latmus.

Selene knew that it
was the wonderful air of her mountain which had made the 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherdheedless, as well as beautiful, therefore she stayed by his flock all night and watched it herself.

She came the next night and the next and for many nig
hts, to gaze at the sleeper, and to watch the unguarded flock. One morning, when she returned to the sky, she looked so pale from her watching that Jupiter asked her where she had been, and she described the beautiful 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd she had f
ound on her mountain, and confessed that she had been guarding his sheep.
如果他不是很规律地呼吸着,西利尼会认为自己见到了一尊大理石雕像。 他的绵羊和山羊离他有一段距离,没有人看管,很有可能被野兽攻击。 喔!安第米恩是多么粗心的牧羊人啊! 那都是受了拉都玛斯山的气息所影响的。
隔夜、再隔夜、连续好几个夜里,她都来探望这个沉睡的人,照顾没人看管的羊群。 有一天清晨,她回到天空时,由于看守羊群的原因让她看起来很憔悴,朱比特因此问她到哪里去了?于是她告诉他在自己的山上发现那个英俊的牧羊人,并且坦白还帮他看管羊群。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
