


A certain king had th
ree daughters who were known far and wide for their beauty. The most beautiful of all was the youngest, Psyche. When this youngest princess went into the temples, many people mistook her for Venus herself, and o
ffered her the garlands which they had brought for the goddess of love and beauty.

The real Venus, much vexed by this, determined to be revenged on poor Psyche, who was in no way to blame. One day she
told Eros, the god of love, to wound Psyche with one of his golden-pointed arrows, and make her fall in love with some wretchedbeggar, the most degraded that could be found.

Eros took his arrows and went down to the ea
rth to do his mother's bidding. As soon as he saw Psyche, he was so startled by her wonderful beauty that he wounded himself with his own arrow; consequently, instead of making Psyche fall in love with some raggedbeggar, he himself fel
l in love with Psyche.
其中最美丽的是最小的女儿莎姬。 每次这位小公主走进神殿时,大多数的人都误以为她是维纳斯的化身,并将带有爱与美之女神的花环送给她。
真正的维纳斯为此非常生气,决定对不该受责难的可怜莎姬给予报复。 某一天她命令爱神爱罗斯(即丘比特)以他的金箭射中莎姬,使她爱上穷酸的乞丐,并且是所见过最堕落的人。
爱罗斯带着他的箭来到地面上,以便执行她母亲的命令。 但他一看见莎姬,就被她的花容月貌之美所征服,以致被他自己的箭所伤。结果莎姬没有和衣衫褴褛的乞丐相恋,却使他自己迷恋上了莎姬。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
