

To drive away the dampness in the caves, Pluto, lit many fires. Their flickeri
ng flames made the lime crystals sparkle and glimmer on the dark waters of the lakes. These fires were silent, too. They never made the cheerful, crackling noises that earth fires make.

The god of this strange, quiet land was content to stay in his own kingdom and seldom journeyed to the earth, which seemed a noisy place after the deep silence of Erebus.

But once Jupiter imprisoned four great giants i
n a cavern in Mount Aetna. In their anger the giants stamped their feet and shook the earth, raging back and forth and beating on the walls of their prison, or heaving their mighty shoulders against the sides of the cavern until the mou
ntain trembled.

Far off in his kingdom under the ground Pluto heard these rumblings and feared that the surface of the earth might crack and the light of day break through into Erebus.

So, mounting his chariot drawn by four black horses, he journeyed swiftly up to earth and rode here and there to see how much damage had been done by the angry giants.
为了消除洞里的湿气,普鲁特点燃很多火堆。 火堆里摇曳的火焰,使石灰水晶闪映在湖中黑色的水面上。 这里的火光也是沉默无声的。 它们从不像地面的火光一样,发出愉快的劈啪的声音。
但是,有一次,朱比特将四大巨人关在爱特那山的山洞里。 巨人们愤怒了,跺着他们的脚,而震撼了大地;又来回走着大声叫骂;敲击牢洞的墙,用他们那强而有力的肩膀,碰撞洞穴的四面,直到山岳为之摇晃撼动。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
