

During this time Medea contrived to find Jason alone, and gave him a powerful ointment made in h
er kettle. She also gave him a little violet flower, which had been brought from the banks of the river Lethe.

The very day after Jason had received these gifts from Medea, King AEetes proposed to ente
rtain his guests by games held in the Field of Mars. After a few races had been run, the king said that Jason should now plough an acre with the bulls, and then sow the dragon's teeth; and that if he succeeded in this, he might take the
Golden Fleece from the tree where it hung, and carry ithome to Iolcus.

Then AEetes brought out his bulls, without any assistance from his slaves; for they were fiery and untamed, and no other hand would dare to touch t
hem. They were magnificent animals, and were certainly strong enough to put an end to any man's life should they desire to do so. Their white horns were tipped with sharp steel points, and their hoofs of solid brass, m
ade a great clattering on the stone-paved road, as they were led from their stable. Although gentle enough with King AEetes, there was a look in their eyes that meant danger.

After he had hitched the b
ulls to the plough, the king ploughed a furrow, which was so long and straight and deep that the field seemed cut in two.
这期间,米蒂娅设法和杰逊单独见面,她把从药罐中提炼而成的强力涂抹用药膏赠予他。 还送他从冥府之河带回来的蓝紫色的花。
在杰逊接受米蒂娅赠礼后的同一天,易特士提议让他的客人们在马斯田地上举办竞技来取乐。 在几回合的赛跑举行过后,国王说道:「这次由杰逊牵着牡牛们去犁出一英亩的土地,然后种下龙齿。如果他把这件事圆满办成的话,就可以从树上把金羊毛取回爱俄克斯。」
接着,易特士一点也不需奴隶的协助就亲自把他的牡牛们拉出来,那是因为牡牛的性子很暴躁难以驯服,使得其它人不敢用手去触摸它们的缘故。 它们是一种庞大的动物,有足够的力气可以杀死一个人,索取人命则是它们最大的乐趣。 它们白色犄角的前端被套上锐利的钢铁尖头。用坚硬的黄铜打制而成的蹄,在它们从牛舍被拉出来时,踏在石子铺的路面上,「答答」地发出巨大的声响。 但它们对易特士却是相当柔顺,只是它们的眼睛却流露出危险的神色。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
