

"But if she has eaten in Erebus even I cannot take her from Pluto," said Jupiter.

When Mercury went down into the kingdom of darkness, he took Spring with him. They flew over the River Styx and passed Cerberus. When Cerberus, his three great jaws wide open, sprang at them, Sprin
g loosened her mantle and shook such a shower of white petals in his face that he could not see. His mouths were filled with them, and they clung to the lashes of his eyes. Some fell into the River Styx and floated on
the dark water.

"They are like the fair queen, Proserpine, on her black marble throne," said Charon, the boatman.

"Such a dreary place to keep the daughter of Ceres!" thought Mercury,
as they flew through the gloomy caverns and passages toward Pluto's palace.

Soon Pluto began to notice a faint fragrance that reminded him of the earth world above. He hurried to the doors of his palac
e. Proserpine felt the mild warmth and followed.

They saw Mercury approaching, with Spring floating at his side. "Rejoice, O, daughter of Ceres," said Mercury, "for Jupiter bids you re
turn to earth, which lies brown and barren because of grief over your loss. "
当麦丘利到黑暗王国去的时候,他带着「春之神」伴随左右。 他们飞过冥河的上空,经过看门的狗圣保路斯。 当时圣保路斯张着三张大嘴,猛然向他们扑过来。春神松开了她的斗篷,将一团白色的花瓣抖在这只狗的脸上,使它看不见。 它的三张嘴里,都塞满了花瓣。花瓣黏在牠的睫毛上, 有些掉在冥河里,在黑色的水面上飘浮着。
没多久,普鲁特开始闻到一阵轻微的芬芳,使他想起了上面的人间世界。 他匆匆赶到宫穴门口。 布拉瑟蓓恩也感到一阵柔和的温暖,于是也随在他后面走过去。
他们见到麦丘利身旁跟着飘舞的春神向他们走来。 麦丘利说:「高兴吧!啊!赛丽丝的女儿,朱比特要你回到地面去,由于因为哀悼你的失去,大地都晒焦了、荒芜了。」

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
