

When Venus came at the close of the day, and saw that Psyche's task was finished, she was very m
uch surprised, and throwing the poor girl a piece of coarse bread, remarked that a harder task would be set for her in the morning. Accordingly, when morning came, Venus took Psyche to the bank of a broad river, and pointing to a grove
on the opposite shore, where a flock of sheep with golden wool were feeding, said, "Bring me some of that wool."

Psyche would have plunged immediately into the river, if some reeds on the bank had not whispered to her:
"Do not go near those sheep now. They are fierce creatures when the sun is high. Wait till the song of the river has lulled them to sleep; then go and pick all the wool you like from the bushes, where the sheep have left it cl
inging." So Psyche waited till the sun was low, then crossed the river and came back with her arms full of golden wool.

Venus, seeing Psyche return in safety, was angrier than ever. "
You never did this by yourself," said she. "Now we will see whether you are wise and prudent enough to become the bride of Eros. Take this crystal vase, and fill it with water from the Fountain of Forgetfulness."

This fountain was at the very top of a high mountain.
维纳斯在日落时到来,看到莎姬的任务完成,非常震惊!并且丢给那不幸的女孩一小片粗糙的面包,还说着天一亮要指派给她更艰苦的工作。 天刚亮时,维纳斯带莎姬到一条大河的岸边,指着对岸有一群长着金毛的羊在吃草的林子说:「去拿那种羊毛给我。」 若不是岸上的芦苇们悄悄地告诉她以下的话,她早就跳下河去了。「现在不要接近那些羊群们。
它们在太阳高照时是很凶猛的。 等河之歌把它们催眠了之后,再从灌木中长满羊毛的羊儿身上,摘下你想得到的羊毛。」 于是莎姬等到太阳下山之后才渡河过去,用两手抱着满满金色的羊毛回来。
维纳斯看到莎姬安然地归来,不禁怒火中烧。 「你绝对无法一个人完成它!」她说:。 「这次我们要看看你是不是有足够的智能与巧思来做爱罗斯的新娘。 提着这个水晶壶,去装满忘忧泉的水来。」 这泉水正好位于高山的顶端。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
