

The Titans tore up enormous boulders and cast them at the gods, while Jupiter hurled his thunderbolts
and his lightings in all directions. Soon the sky was a sheet of flame, the sea boiled, the earth trembled, and the forests took fire and began to burn.

At last the gods partly by the help of the wise c
ounsel of Prometheus conquered the Titans, took them to the ends of the earth, and imprisoned them in a deep undergroundcavern. Neptune, the sea-god, made strong bronze gates with heavy bolts and bars to keep the giants down, while Jup
iter sent Briareus and his brothers, three giants with fifty heads and a hundred hands each, to stand guard over them.

All but one of the Titans who had fought against the gods were imprisoned in this cavern. This one who was not shut in with the others was Atlas, whose enormous strength was greater than that of his brothers, while his disposition was less quarrelsome. He was made to stand and hold up the sky on his head and hands.

As the Titans could now make no more trouble, there was comparative peace and quiet on the earth. Nevertheless, Jupiter said that, although the men who remained on the earth were not so strong as the Titans, the
y were a foolish and wicked race. He declared that he would destroy them��sweep them away, and have done with them, forever.
泰坦族的人们(从地面)拔出巨大的圆石,向众神们投掷过去。但是,朱比特也以自己的霹雳和闪电朝四面八方攻出去。 不久,天空弥漫一片火焰;海上波涛汹涌;天摇地动;森林开始燃烧起来了。
最后众神终于征服了泰坦族──有一部份多亏了普罗米修斯聪明的建议─把他们带到大地的边缘,监禁在深邃地下的洞窟中。 海神普西顿为了要控制巨人们而制造了附有粗圆、金刚石门栓的坚固青铜门。另一方面,朱比特派遣普拉阿里亚斯三兄弟,就是各有五十个头和一百只手的三个巨人来看守他们。
与众神打斗的巨人除了一人之外,全部被监禁在这个洞窟里。 而那个没有和其它人一起被关起来的巨人则是阿特拉斯。若要比力量的强大,他比他的兄弟们还要有力气,可是他的个性(比兄弟们)较不喜欢打架。 他站起来头和手可以支撑住天空。
巨人们已经无法再引起更严重的骚动了,地面上总算有几分的和平与安宁。 尽管如此,朱比特认为留在地面上的人类虽然不如泰坦族强大,却是既愚蠢又可恶的人种。 他宣布要亲自消灭──即是清除他们,而且让他们永远灭种。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
