

One day, at the very hour that King Picus was hunting in the forest, it happened that Circe and
a few of her nymphs were among the oaks, looking for a plant from whose root Circe knew how to make a very powerful drug. They saw the king and his guards, and kept themselves concealed among the trees.

King Picus suddenly thought he saw a wild boar run in among the bushes. As the place was such a tangle of thorn-trees and thick- growing shrubs and prickly vines that the king could not go any farther on horseback, he dismounted, in
tending to follow the beast on foot. He did not know that the wild boar was only a shadow, which Circe, by her enchantments, had caused him to see.

Circe, herself, was in the thicket, and before King
Picus could get away, she touched him with her wand, changing him into a little purplewoodpecker. His crown became a crest of feathers, and his gold buckle, a yellow ring encircling his neck.

King Picus did not come back, his guards rode in all directions, looking for him. At last they saw Circe, and knowing how many wicked things she had already done, they feared she was the cause of the king's disappearance.
有一天,正当派克斯王在森林中打猎的时候,碰巧奇儿丝和她的几个女孩们在橡树之间,搜寻可用其根部提炼成强力药剂的植物。 她们发现国王和他的护卫,于是就躲在树丛中。
派克斯王突然感觉到有一只野猪跑进树丛中。 那片树丛长有带刺的树木、密密麻麻的灌木、以及尖锐的藤蔓,非常阴暗。国王无法骑马向前跨一步,因此打算徒步追逐那只野兽,便从马上下来。 他并不知道那只野猪,其实只是奇儿丝使用魔法变给他看的幻影而已!
奇儿丝她们藏在树丛中,趁派克斯王奔跑之前,用魔杖碰了他一下,于是他就变成一只紫色的小啄木鸟。 他的王冠成了冠毛,金扣子变为绕在他脖子上的黄色圈圈。
派克斯王没有回来,他的护卫们骑马到处找寻。 最后他们遇见奇儿丝,因而明白很多坏事都是她一手造成的,所以担心是她让国王失踪的。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
