

When the other nymphs came to seek Callisto, they could not find her. Only a g
reat hairy bear stood in the entrance to the bower, trying to fondle the little boy, Arcas, and turn him over with her paw as he lay asleep.

The nymphs drove the bear away although it looked back at them sadly as they f
lung sticks and stones after it.

Thinking that the bear had killed Callisto, the maidens took Arcas to a 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd, who loved and cared for him.

Sometimes the 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd saw a bear prowli
ng around his hut, trying to look in at the window or the door. He drove the beast away and flung his spear at it, until at last the poor thing was afraid to come near the hut, and stayed at the edge of the woods, watching always for a
sight of the little boy who lived with the 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd.

Sometimes Arcas would stray near the forest, gathering flowers or playing with his ball. Then the bear would run to greet him, growling softly and k
indly, but the child always screamed and ran back.

When Arcas grew old enough, the 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd taught him to use a spear and took him hunting.
当其它的山泽女神来访晤克莉丝朵的时候,她们找不到她了。 只见一只满身是毛的大熊,站在房门口,正要去爱抚这小男孩阿克斯。当时,这孩子正熟睡着,它用脚爪将他翻个身。
有时候,牧羊人看见一只熊,在他的茅屋四周悄悄地徘徊,试着站在窗户旁或门边向里面张望。 他便将这头野兽赶走,拿起矛槍向它掷去,直到最后,这可怜的动物再也不敢走近牧羊人的茅舍,便逗留在森林边缘,但这只熊常常守望着要看看与牧羊人同住的小孩一眼。
有时候,阿克斯常到森林附近游玩,采撷花朵或者是玩球。 那时候,这只熊也常会跑过来表示欢迎他,并轻轻地、和善地号叫着。但是,这孩子每每惊吓地嚷着跑回去。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
