


When the plains below were parc
hed and brown and dusty with the heat of summer, on Mount Latmus all was so still and cool, so fresh and green, that one seemed to be in another world. The mountain was most beautiful of all at night, when the moon drove her chariot ove
rhead, and flooded every tree and all the grassy slopes with her pale light.

Endymion was a young 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd who led his flocks high up on the sides of this mountain and let them browse on the rich pasturage along the mar
gins of its snow-fed streams. He loved the pure mountain air, and the stillness of the higher slopes, which was broken only by the tinkle of his sheep-bells, or the song of birds. There he dreamed his days away while h
is sheep and goats were feeding; or, at night, he leaned his head on a log or a mossy stone and slept with the flock.

Selene, the moon-goddess, loved to visit Mount Latmus; in fact, the mountain belonged, in some sense,
to her. It was her influence that made everything there so quiet and beautiful. One night, when she had stolen down from her place in the sky for a walk through one of the flowery meadows of Mount Latmus, she found En
dymion there asleep.
人间的平原正被炎夏的酷热烤成褐色、灰色的时候,拉都玛斯山上的万物却非常地静谧凉爽,放眼望去尽是清新的绿色,让人仿佛置身在世外桃源。 那座山到了夜晚,每样东西都变得更加美好。夜晚,月亮从人们的头顶上,驱驰战车而过,把她那暗淡的光洒在所有的树上,以及所有长着青草的斜坡上。
安第米恩是个年轻的牧羊人,他赶着羊群来到这座山腰最高的地方,让羊群在沿着融雪而成的水流旁边的肥沃草地上吃草。 他喜欢山中干净的空气与高山斜坡上宁静的气氛。惟有他的牧羊铃,响出叮叮当当的铃声与鸟儿们宛转的鸣唱打破这份沉寂。 当他的绵羊和山羊在吃草,或者晚上他把头枕在圆木或长着青苔的石头上,陪羊群们一起睡觉时,他就以做梦来消磨时间。
月神西利尼喜欢遨游拉都玛斯山。事实上,那座山在某种意义上是属于她的。 是她的支配力使山里的每件事物都变得那般的静谧美丽。 有个晚上,她从天空中所管辖的地方偷偷下来散步时,经过拉都玛斯山中某处开满花朵的草地,发现了安第米恩在那里睡觉。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
