

  俗话说:"你不可能总是让所有的人满意"。 没有哪个公司是完美无缺的,也就是说有些人会对你们的产品和服务不满意,有些人不太介意这些,而有些会人则会告诉亲戚朋友你们的产品和服务多么地不好,这实际上是在做不利于你们的广告宣传;但还有一些人会争取得到他们应该得到的实惠和服务。

Think about these questions before you start this in2english.com.cn web-learning unit:

·How do you deal with complaints in your company ?
·Is there a standard company policy or do you make specific decisions in each case ?
·Who deals with complaints ? Do you have a specific department ?
·Does any member of staff receive training in how to deal with complaints from angry clients or customers and how to offer satisfactory solutions ?
·What are complaints usually about ? How do you respond ? Think of your actual replies to what customers or clients complain about. How could you improve what you say ?
·Do you deal with complaints personally ? What are the important factors to consider ?

  Here are some phrases and expressions customers might use when complaining.
  Listen first and then read the phrases.
  Here are some possible responses to these complaints
  Listen first and then read the phrases.
  click here and read the scripts.
