


In order to work on the development plan, for each skill or behaviour to be developed, you will need to organise the information in the following way:

·Describe the skill or behaviour: 'Mr./Ms. X will work towards developing his/her active listening skills...'
·What is the time frame? '...by the end of October 2003...'
·How will it be achieved? '...by attending a course at the university night school...'
·How will this help obtain personal or corporate objectives? '...so that he/she is better able to deal with subordinates.'
·What could affect meeting this commitment? 'Attendance at classes for night school may be affected by irregular work commitments...'
·What support and resources are required to achieve it? '...so we guarantee that he/she will be given study leave each day of class from 17:00.'

frame (n.) 框架
corporate (adj.) 公司的
subordinate (n.) 下级,下属
commitment (n.) 许诺
guarantee (v.) 保证
