

  要想做一个出色的陈述报告,必须先做好笔记 (notes),今天我们将在这方面给你一些帮助。 做笔记 (notes) 时你可以借助一些非常有用的符号和标记,这里我们还会给你提供其它一些好的建议。

Look at the sample cards below

You can see how just the main points have been put on to small postcard-sized cards, with large text. The speaker has used plenty of colours to differentiate different types of information and only used main nouns, abbreviations, symbols and highlighting to help her easily refer to the information without reading a long text. Reading the full text of a presentation means you won't be talking to your audience: vital to the success of communicating your ideas !

The large upward arrow here is used to indicate an increase or rise.
The three dots are conventionally used in mathematics to mean "therefore".

The speaker might actually say something like :"Staff costs rose so we haven't done any new recruitment."

Think about what symbols you could add to help the presenter if he or she needs to say : "Because staff costs rose last year, we made the decision not to do any new recruitment over the next half year period."

Use currency symbols wherever possible.
The letter "k" is conventionally used in English to mean "thousand".

The speaker might actually say something like :"Overheads have been reduced by 2000 euros and our profit margin has risen by 2 per cent."

Think about what symbols you could add to help the presenter if he or she needs to say : "Overheads were reduced by 2000 euros last year and therefore our profit margin rose by more than 2 per cent."

Use face symbols to show the reaction to something. Here the smiling face indicates a positive response.

The speaker might actually say something like :"We are delighted that planned savings were achieved in the first quarter of two thousand and three."
You need to write notes that you can understand clearly. Find symbols and signs that you find easy to use and then combine these with colours and different sized writing to provide yourself with a useful presentation aid.
abbreviation (n.) 缩写
vital (adj.) 至关重要的
conventionally (adv.) 按照惯例
recruitment (n.) 补充
