

你有"年关焦虑症"吗? Do you have "year end anxiety"?


The Spring Festival is coming and the festivalatmosphere is much stronger, so is the "year end anxiety". Due to the pressure of work and life, many people have indescribable self-accusation and anxiety. How to spend the new year? How to welcome a happy and relaxed New Year? These become the topics that concern peoples the most.


Xiao Zhang who works in a culturalcommunication company says, "I still hesitate whether to go home or not. There are many relatives in my family. I not only have to give presents to elders, but also give presents and lucky money to the kids. And my parents will urge me to get married. The very thought of it frightens me. "


Xiao Wu, a salesman in a private company, who has still not reached her sales target made at the beginning of the year  says, "When I think about this year's sales target, I really do not want to celebrate New Year so soon.      If I don't complete my assignment, where can I get the year end bonus? "


What can one do in response to "year end anxiety?" psychologists suggest that people should not put too much pressure on themselves. In fact, the end of the year is a good opportunity for summary and outlook. By summarizing last year's deficiencies and striving for the New Year, you will be sure to make great progress!
