

创意新职业——"陪逛"New Career—Shopping Partner

       都说爱好与职业很难并顾,但有的人却能二者兼得。近日,网络论坛上 "陪逛月入2000元"的帖子风生水起。利用自己的专长陪人逛街成了一种青年人的创意新职业, "陪逛"也在北京、上海等城市慢慢兴起。

It is commonly accepted that it is difficult to combinecareer and interests together. However, some ones can do it well. Recently, an article posted in a forum with the title of "Professional Shopping Partner with 2000 yuan Earned per Month" was re-twittered by many people. This new occupation created by some youngsters who are experts in shopping now comes into vogue in Beijing and Shanghai.


Xiao Li, a girl born after 1990, majors in Costume Designing but finds it is difficult to be a stylist in the field. She then names herself as "Sister Color" in one forum and teaches people how to match clothes online. She becomes famous gradually and now is a professional shopping partner. Talking about her new career, Xiao Li has a lot to say: "Buying Clothes for working women, the most important thing is the quality of the fabric, and then the colors should be elegant..."


Mike is an interiordesigner and a part-time "shopping partner". "Helping others to buy things not only makes the most of my professional advantages, but also expands my social circle", he said. 


If you have a gift for shopping, you might want to join them and become a "Shopping Partners".
