

一起去婺源看油菜花 Go to see rape flower in Wuyuan


The white walls, black tiles, running river under the bridge and field of golden rape flowers, forms a scene of spring in south Yangtze River. Perhaps this is why Wuyuan is named "the most beautiful village in China".


Located in Northeastern Jiangxi, the village has a long history. With many famous personages born in Wuyuan, it is often called the birth place of Huizhou culture. Thanks to good preservation policies,  many historic buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasty still remain standing. All of the buildings have the same white walls and layered black tiles. The simple and elegant beauty pervades the entire village. It's different when you enter the room. Exquisite tile and wood carvings are everywhere, displaying a complicated and refined beauty. Nowadays, some residents provide accommodation to tourists. The home-hotel would be a wonderful choice if you have the chance to stay for one night and experience the beauty of Huizhou architecture in person.


Besides the historic beauty, the natural scenery of Wuyuan is also highly prized. The scenery is very charming, especially in spring. In March, golden rape flowers bloom all over the farmland, which is both splendid and glorious, adding vitality to Wuyuan. Spring is truly the best season in Wuyuan. Let's get packed and go there to see rape flowers!
