




        也有的人认为,腊八的习俗和佛教在中国的传播有关。因为腊月初八这天正是佛教始祖释迦牟尼得道的日子。据说得道前,释迦牟尼过了六年苦行僧的生活,一度饿得晕倒在路旁,一位牧女送他奶粥,救醒了释迦牟尼。因此,佛教的寺院每到腊八这天都会用香谷、 果实等煮粥供佛,并将腊八粥赠送给穷人们。

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, December is called "layue" in Chinese. Therefore, the 8th of December is called "Laba". "La" means the 12th lunar month and "ba" means eight. On this day, Chinese people usually eat the Laba rice porridge.

The number "8" is a lucky number in China, which is why eight ingredients are used for the Laba rice porridge. The most common ingredients include rice, millet, and other grains, red beans, green beans and even walnuts, peanuts and other dried fruits. Eight main ingredients are cooked with brown sugar to make the porridge tasty. Of course, you can also make the Laba rice porridge according to your own taste by using other creative ingredients. The tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on the 8th can be traced back to some 1,000 years ago. At that time, people made sacrifice to their ancestors and gods with various types of porridge to bless the coming year with a good harvest.

Some people also think that the Laba practice is related to the spread of Buddhism in China, because Sakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. According to legend, when Sakyamuni was on his quest for understanding and enlightenment, he grew tired and hungry, exhausted from days of walking and he fainted by a river in India. A shepherdess found him and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey. After six years of strict discipline, he finally realized his dream of full enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. Therefore, Buddhist temples use Laba rice porridge with fresh grain and fruits to worship Buddha, and also offer the porridge to the poor people on on that day every year.

