

二月二,龙抬头Dragon raises its head on Lunar February 2nd


In Chinese folk custom, Lunar February 2nd is a very important day. It is said that on that day, the Dragon King who is in charge of rain in the heavens raises its head causing the rainwater to gradually increase, allowing the people to make arrangements for farming.


Many folk activities are held nationwide on this day, such as  cutting hair, eating noodles, fried cake and  popcorn.


There is a tale about eating popcorn on Lunar February 2nd. According to the legend, the Jade Emperor was angry when Tang Empress Wu Zetian ascended the throne, so he ordered the Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean not to give rain for three years. But the Dragon King was kind. He could not bear making people suffer, so he furtively provided them with rain.


When the Jade Emperor came to know of it, he punished the Dragon King, causing him to descend to the world and restrained him by means of a large mountain. The Jade Emperor decreed that the Dragon King would be restrained under the mountain forever, unless gold beans were to blossom. In order to show gratitudeto the Dragon King, people looked for gold beans all over the place.


On the day of Lunar February 2nd, it just so happened that someone dried golden corn kernels in the sun. So people thought if they popped the corn, wouldn't they be gold bean blossoms? Therefore each household began to make popcorn. And the Dragon of King was set free. 


From then on, such a custom was formed among the people. On Lunar February 2nd, people make popcorn or fry beans. Some proverbs have also stemmed from this custom, such as "金豆开花,龙王升天,兴云布雨,五谷丰登".
