


  今天我们主要介绍 David Elleray,他是英国最知名的国际级足球裁判之一。在本页,他对裁判在比赛中的角色发表了一些见解,我们去看看他是怎么说得······

Interview with David Elleray:
'The referee's role really is to make sure the game takes place within the framework of the laws of the game. He's there to protect the game he's there to protect the players. But he also has a responsibility to make sure the game is entertaining and free-flowing as far as possible. In many respects I liken refereeing to being like a conductor of an orchestra:- that you have to follow a certain set script, that people are operating within certain boundaries. The referee can have a big impact on the tempo and pace of the game.'

framework (n.) 框架
free-flowing (adj.) 进行流畅的
orchestra (n.) 交响乐队
set script 固定的乐谱
boundary (n.) 边界
tempo (n.) 速度
pace (n.) 步调
