

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

When everything was ready, they set off one night, together. They said good-bye to nobody. In the morning they were too far away for anyone to follow them. Sancho Panza only thought about the island w
hich his master had promised him. Don Quixote was thinking of much nobler things, until he heard the voice of his squire: "I hope, sir, you have not forgotten the island. I shall know well how to govern it, even if it
is very big."

"Have no fear about that," replied Don Quixote. "Knights-errant have always rewarded their squires with presents of land. But I shall do better. Inste
ad of waiting until you are old, I shall reward you as soon as possible. Perhaps before a week has passed, you will be king of your island."

"Well," said Sancho, "if this wonderful thing really happen
s, my wife, Joan, will be queen and my sons, princes."

"Who is not sure about it?" answered Don Quixote.

"I am not," said Sancho. "My Joan, a queen! Nothing could make her a queen."

"Do not have such a low idea of yourself, Sancho," said Don Quixote seriously. "You will be very famous."
当一切都准备妥当,某天晚上,他们一起出发了。 他们没向任何人道别。 到早上时,他们已经走得很远了,谁也没法追上他们。 桑科.判扎只惦念着他主人答应过要给他的海岛。 唐吉诃德想的事则高超得多,却被随从的声音打断:「先生,我希望您没忘记那个海岛。 我会晓得该怎么管理和统治,就算那个海岛非常大。」
「你不必担心这一点,」唐吉诃德回答说。 「游侠向来是拿土地当礼物来酬谢他们的随从。 不过我会做得更棒。 不用等到你老,我就会尽快酬赏你。 也许还不用到一个星期,你就会成为海岛上的国王了。」
「我就不相信,」桑科说。 「我那个琼安,当王后? 她再怎么样都当不上王后!」
「别把你自己瞧得太扁了,桑科;」唐吉诃德严肃地说道。 「你将来会享有大名的。」
