

Don Quixote Is Ill

When t
he servant went to see her master next morning, she found him very ill. For several days there was no change in his condition. His friends visited him every day, and the good Sancho never left him. A doctor came. He examined the old knight and shook his head sadly. "It is time for Don Quixote to think of the next world," he said, "for the will not stay very much longer in this one."

Don Quixote heard the news very calmly, but Sancho, the niece and the servant became very sad. The tears ran down their faces. The doctor said he thought he was dying of unhappiness and disappointment. Don Quixote wanted to sleep and asked them to leave him. They did so and he slept for more than six hours. His niece and the servant were frightened he would die in his sleep. Suddenly the
y heard him say very loudly, "I thank God who has been so kind to me. His kindness has no end." The women ran to his bedside and asked him why he had spoken of God's kindness.

The New Don Quixote

"A great light has just come to me," answered Don Quixote.
第二天早上,女仆去看她主人,发现他病得很重。 过了好几天,他的情况没有改变。 朋友们每天都来看他,好桑科也从没离开他身边。 来了一个医生。 诊察了这位老武士之后,伤心地摇摇头。 「是唐吉诃德想到另一个世界的时候了!」他说:「因为他在这个世界里留不了多少时间了。」
唐吉诃德非常冷静地听了这个消息,但是桑科、他侄女和女仆都非常悲伤。 泪水流下他们的脸庞。 医生认为他是死于愁苦和失望。 唐吉诃德想睡觉,就要求他们离开他。 他们照做了,而他一睡就睡了六个多小时。 他的侄女和女仆都害怕他会在睡梦中死掉。 突然,她们听到他非常大声地说道:「我感激一直都对我这么仁慈的上帝。 祂的慈爱无边无际。」 两个女人跑到他的床边,问他为什么谈起上帝的慈悲。
