

The girl was used to the strange, mad acts of her uncle. She wished to please h
im, and replied, "You have done well. I thank you. Please sit down and rest after your great efforts; I will fetch you something to drink." She took him to a chair, and went out with the servant.
In a few minutes, she came back with some cold water.

"It is a most wonderful drink," he said, "which will make me live forever." He was tired by all his efforts, and he lay down on his bed an
d went to sleep.

What He Has Been Reading

At the time when this gentleman lived, most readers liked books about the wonderful adventures of knights-erra
nt. These were very long stories, full of impossible things. A madman might dream about that kind of thing. These knights-errant went around the country attacking thieves and robbers. Th
ey defended women and rescued people from wicked men.

If you are patient enough, you can read some of these books today. You will find some pleasant writing in them. But you will soon g
et tired of magic woods full of giants and strange animals. The people who lived then liked to imagine all sorts of wild things!
女孩习惯了她叔叔的这种古怪、疯颠的举动。 她想讨好他,就回答说:「你做得很好。 我很感谢。 你费了这么大的力气,请坐下来休息吧!我去帮你拿些喝的东西。」 她帮他拿来一张椅子,就和女仆一起出去了。 过没多久,她端了些清凉的水回来。
「这真是最最神奇的水了,」他说:「这可以使我永生不死。」 他费了那些力气,很累了,就躺在床上睡着了。
在这位绅士生活的时代里,多数的读者都喜欢看有关游侠神奇冒险的书。 那些故事都很长,且都是些不可能会发生的事。 但疯子也许会梦到那种事情。 这些游侠武士周游全国,攻击小偷和强盗。 他们保护女人,并从坏人手中拯救大众。
如果你有足够耐心的话,现在可以读读这类书籍。 你将发现其中有些很可喜的文章。 但是你很快就会厌烦那些满是巨人和奇异动物的森林。 不过活在那时的人却喜欢想象各式各样疯狂的事情!
