

79. The Shepherd And The Wolf

A Shepherd once found the whelp of a
Wolf, and brought it up, and after a while taught it to steal lambs from the neighbouring flock. The Wolf having shown himself an apt pupil, said to the Shepherd, "Since you have taught me to steal, you must keep a sharp look-out, or y
ou will lose some of your own flock."
79. 牧羊人和狼
一个牧羊人,捕捉到一只小狼,将它扶养长大,过了不久,便教它去偷邻近羊群中的小羊。 狼为了要显出自己的本领,便对牧羊人说:「你既然教我偷窃,你一定得留心自己的,否则你也要失去几只你自己的羊呢。」
