

141. The Farmer And The Fox

A Farmer, having a long spite against
a Fox for robbing his poultry yard, caught him at last, and, being determined to take an ample revenge, tied some tow well soaked in oil to his tail, and set it on fire. The Fox by a strange fatality rushed to the fields of the Farmer w
ho had captured him. It was the time of the wheat harvest; but the Farmer reaped nothing that year, and returned home grieving sorely.
141. 农夫和狐狸
一位农夫对一只狐狸有着深仇大恨,因为狐狸到他饲养家禽的院子来抢劫,终于他捉住了狐狸。因为要让狐狸吃点苦,他用浸透了油的麻绳绑在它的尾巴上,点火燃烧起来。 农夫真不幸,那只狐狸竟冲到这农夫的田里去。 那时恰好是收割小麦的时节,因此农夫这一年的收获因此化为乌有,只好自怨自艾地回家了。
