

261. The Ass And The Charger

An Ass congratulated a Horse on be
ing so ungrudgingly and carefully provided for, while he himself had scarcely enough to eat, nor even that without hard work. But when war broke out, and the heavy armed soldier mounted the Horse, and riding him to the charge, rushed i
nto the very midst of the enemy, and the Horse, being wounded, fell dead on the battle-field; then the Ass, seeing all these things, changed his mind, and commiserated the Horse.
261. 驴子和战马
一只驴子向一匹战马道贺,羡慕它被饲养得如此的好,而它自己却几乎都吃不饱,又不能不做苦工。 但是当战争发生时,那盔甲穿得重重的士兵跨了上去,骑马去打战,冲到敌人的中心。那马受了伤,便死在战场上了;驴子知道了这一切,便改变了它自己的想法,可怜起那匹马了。
