

206. The Ass And The Wolf

An Ass, feeding in a meadow, saw a Wol
f approaching to seize him, and immediately pretended to be lame. The Wolf, coming up, inquired the cause of his lameness. The Ass said, that passing through a hedge he trod with his foot upon a sharp thorn, and requ
ested the Wolf to pull it out, lest when he supped on him it should injure his throat. The Wolf consenting, and lifting up the foot, and giving his whole mind to the discovery of the thorn, the Ass with his heels kicked his teeth into
his mouth, and galloped away. The Wolf, being thus fearfully mauled, said, "I am rightly served, for why did I attempt the art of healing, when my father only taught me the trade of a butcher?"
206. 驴子和狼
一只驴子,正在草地上吃草,看见一只狼来,想要抓它,便立刻假装跛足。 狼走过来,问它为什么跛足? 驴子说,它在经过篱笆的时候,脚踏到一根尖刺,请狼帮它拔出来,免得吃它的时候,卡在它的喉咙里。 狼答应了,举起驴子的脚,用它全副的精神去寻找那根尖刺,驴子便趁机用它的脚,踢伤狼嘴里的牙齿而逃走了。 那只狼因此受了重伤,说道:「我真是自作自受,我的父亲只教我做屠户的生意,我为什么要去试当医生呢?」
