

201. The Seller Of Images

A certain man made a wooden image of Me
rcury, and offered it for sale. When no one appeared willing to buy it, in order that he might attract purchasers, he cried out that he had the statue to sell of a benefactor, who bestowed wealth and helped to heap up riches. One of the bystanders said to him, "My good fellow, why do you sell him, being such a one as you describe, when you may yourself enjoy the good things he has to give?" "Why," he replied, "I am in want of immediate help, and he
is wont to give his good gifts very slowly."
201. 卖雕像的人
有一个人雕了一个财神的木偶,便拿出去卖。 可是没有任何一个人来买它,他想要招徕买客,就喊出来说,他有一个恩人的雕像要卖,它会赐予财产,又能帮助人们累积财富。 有一个旁观者对他说:「我的好人,那么你为什么要将它出售呢?它既然是一个如你所说的雕像,你正可以坐享它要给你的东西呀!」 他回答说:「是的,可是我现在急于要用钱,而他送礼物给人,总是很缓慢的。」
