

195. The Apes And The Two Travellers

Two men, one of whom always
spoke the truth and the other told nothing but lies, were travelling together, and by chance came to the land of Apes. One of the Apes who had raised himself to be king, commanded them to be laid hold of, and brought before him, that
he might know what was said of him among men. He ordered at the same time that all the Apes should be arranged in a long row on his right hand and on his left, and that a throne should be placed for him, as was the custom among men. After these preparations he signified his will that the two men should be brought before him, and greeted them with this salutation: "What sort of a king do I seem to you to be, O, strangers?" The lying Traveller replied,
"You seem to me a most mighty king." "And what is your estimate of those you see around me?" "These," he made answer, "are worthy companions of yourself, fit at least to be ambassadors and leaders of armies." The Ape and all his court, gratified with the lie, commanded a handsome present to be given to the flatterer. On this the truthful Traveller thought within himself, "If so great a reward be given for a lie, with what gift ma
y I be rewarded, if, according to my custom, I shall tell the truth?" The Ape quickly turned to him. "And pray how do I and these my friends around me seem to you?" "Thou are," he said, "a most
excellent Ape, and all these thy companions after thy example are excellent Apes too." The King of the Apes, enraged at hearing these truths, gave him over to the teeth and claws of his companions.
195. 猿猴和两个旅人
有两个人,一个总是说实话,另一个只说谎话,他们一起去旅行,偶然来到猿猴国度里。 有一只猿猴,它自称为王,吩咐捉住这两个人,带到它的面前来。它要讯问人们对它的意见。 同时它又命令所有的猿猴,在它的左右排成一列,中间为它摆放着一个王位,好象人们的仪式。 这些东西准备好了,它便下达命令,将两个人带到它面前来,它用一句话简单说:「啊,客人们,对你们而言,我是一个怎样的国王?」 那个爱说谎的旅客回答说:「在我看来,你好象是很有权威的国王。」 「那么你对于在我周围的这些,又觉得怎样呢?」 他回答说:「他们是你很有价值的同伴,至少配做大使和将领。」 那猿猴和它的朝臣听了这番谎话,觉得很满意,便吩咐将美好的礼物送给这位谄媚的人。 那诚实的旅客看到这个情形,心里想着:「一番谎话可以得到这样好的报酬,那么要是我依照我的习惯,说一些实话,那我又将得到多么大的报酬呢?」 这时猿猴立刻转过身来问他:。 「请问你觉得我和我的这些朋友如何呢?」 他说道:「你是一只出色的猿猴,而你那些同伴,就和你一样,也都是一些非凡的猿猴呀。」 猿猴王听到这些真话,老羞成怒,就将他丢到它同伴们的爪牙当中去了。
