

Tennis vocabulary

Here is some vocabulary about playing and scoring tennis. 本节介绍一些与网球有关的一些字汇。


a player
one of the people involved in playing a game, e.g. tennisplayer or football player

a game between two players

a game involving four players (two on each side)

a serve
a point begins with a player serving the ball. This means one player hits the ball towards the other player. (The serve must be played from behind the baseline and must land in the service box. Players get two attempts to make a good serve.)

a server
the player who hits the ball first for each point in a game

a receiver
the player who hits the ball back after a serve

each side of the court (that begins with a baseline)

the baseline
the line marking the front and back of a tennis court

the net
the piece of material across the middle of the tennis court that divides the court in half

sideline - the left and right edges of a tennis court


a player wins a game if, generally, they are the first player to win four points

Generally, the first player to win six games wins a set

Usually, in men's tennis, the first player to win three sets wins the match. In women's tennis, the first player to win two sets wins the match

if a score gets to 40-40, the score is called deuce - at this stage, the winner of the game is the first player to now win two points in a row

if both players win 6 games each then there is a tie-break. In a tiebreak, the first player to win seven points, wins the tiebreak (note: like deuce, if both players get to six points, then the winner is the player who now wins two points in a row)

a score of zero points in a game or zero games in a set

match point
a player who only needs one more point to win the match is said to be at match point

indicates the scores are level. For example, '15-all' means that both players have a score of 15

ball boy/girl
professional tournaments use young boys or girls to collect tennis balls during a game

ball change
in tournaments the balls are changed after a certain number of games to ensure they stay as bouncy as possible

Types of shots(发球形态)

a shot that travels parallel to and along the sideline

a hard, straight shot often used to pass an opponent at the net

drop shot gently played shot that just gets over the net so the other player can't reach it

a serve which hits the net and / or lands outside the service box

foot fault
this happens when a server's feet touch the ground in front of the baseline or the wrong side of the centre mark before hitting the ball

ground stroke - a shot that is made after the ball has bounced

a shot hit before the ball bounces

a shot hit just as the ball bounces

when a serve hits the top of the net and lands within the service box, it is known as a 'let' and the server must serve again
