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Episode 78: Not much luck

Helen: ... no, no, that's ok, thanks for calling ... I hope you'll find somewhere soon - bye!
Tim: Was that another call about the room?
Helen: Yeah, but he works right over the other end of town. He said the commute would be too much.
Alice: Mmm, the last one said that too, didn't he?
Helen: I know. We're not having much luck here.
Tim: What about the guy who came round yesterday?
Helen/Alice: No!!!
Helen: Eeeww, he was really creepy.
Alice: I know ... the one before that was alright though ... clean-cut.
Helen: He was very respectable, but a bit posh, I thought ...
Tim: So, what happened to him then?
Helen: He said it was too expensive. Do you think we should put the advert in the paper for another week?

Vocabulary 字汇

commute 通勤
to travel regularly over some distance, for example, suburb into a city and back, often for work

respectable 值得尊敬的
behaves in a proper and sociallyacceptable way

clean-cut 整齐的
neat, tidy, clean and smart in appearance

creepy 令人感到不舒服的
unpleasant, annoying, weird, a little bit scary, makes you feel uncomfortable
