

   本单元的语言点是句子重音,口语英语当中,我们使用 句子重音 來强调句子里面最重要的部分(整个句子的重点所在)。重音经常落在 有含义的字上,举例來説,重音可能放在主要的动词、名词和形容词上,而不是放在冠词 或 附属动词上。说话的时候,重音部分我们说的比较大声 並且 比较緩慢 。
Sentence stress

In spoken English, we use sentencestress to show our listeners which parts of our sentences are the most important (the parts that carry the most meaning).We usually stress content words, for example, main verbs, nouns and adjectives rather than articles or auxiliary verbs.We stress words by saying them slightly louder and more slowly than the other words in the sentence.口語英語當中,我們使用 句子重音 來強調巨資裏面最重要的部分(整個句子的重點所在)。重音經常落在 有含義的字上,舉例來説,重音可能放在主要的動詞上,名詞和形容詞上,而不是放在冠詞 或 附屬動詞上。説話的時候,重音部分我們說的比較大聲 並且 比較緩慢 。
Helen: Have you SEEN the NEW FILM with TOM CRUISE?

The words in capital letters (a main verb, an adjective and two nouns) are the ones Helen stresses. 上句中,粗体字 (主要動詞、形容詞和兩個名詞)是重音所在的部分。

WHAT did HE SAY to you in the GARDEN?
He's had a HEART ATTACK.

Shifting stress

If we want to contrast or show disagreement with what someone else has said, we use shifting stress. We do this by changing the usual patterns of sentence stress. So in this next example, John knows the conversation is about films and Tom Cruise so he doesn't have to stress those items. Instead he stresses the new or contrasting information:
如果要和其他人所說的形成對比 或 表達不同意,我們就要使用 轉移語調。方法是改變平常説話的重音語調,在下一個例句中,John已經知道對話的有關于電影和Tom Cruise,所以他不需要在這些部分放重音,他只需要強調新的或相反的信息即可:
Helen: Have you SEEN that NEW FILM with TOM CRUISE?
John: NO, but I saw the LAST one he was in. It was TERRIBLE!

Here are some more examples from The Flatmates:
Not YOUR dad, MY dad.
It's a ONE-WAY ticket I've booked.
I'm going BACK to POLAND for GOOD.
