

   本单元的语言点是关于 Must/have to 的用法,这两个助动词意味着义务 (你必须要做的事),但是他们的字义和用法有些许不同。 Must指的是说话者认为是有必要的,例如 Paul 说:'you must try some' 以及 'we must do this again'的时候,他正在表达他个人的观点。Have to通常指的是外在而来的一种义务:其他人或组织设立了规定,而我们必须遵守的事情。 Alice 说:'I have to work a night shift next weekend',她指的是她必须按照老板的排班表来工作。
Must/have to

Both of these modal verbs are used to talk about obligation (things that you are required to do), but their meaning and use are slightly different.

Must is often used to express obligations that the speaker feels are necessary. For example, when Paul says: 'you must try some' and 'we must do this again', he is expressing his own personal view about what is necessary.

Have to is often used to express obligations which come from an external source: another person or organisation has made a rule that we are required to follow. So when Alice says: 'I have to work a night shift next weekend' she is talking about an obligation that has been given to her by her employer.

must 必须

In the present tense, must takes the same form in all persons:
I must
you must
he/she/it must
we must
you must
they must
Must is followed by a base verb (infinitive without 'to').

I must eat more fruit. It's good for me.
You must go and see the new Will Smith movie. You'll love it!
We must remember to thank them for the lovely gift.

have to 必须

In the present tense, have to takes the same form in all persons, but it becomes has to in the 3rd person:

I have to
you have to
he/she/it has to
we have to
you have to
they have to
Have to is followed by a base verb (infinitive without 'to').

I have to submit this assignment by 3pm tomorrow.
She has had three heart attacks, so now she has to have an operation.
You have to use the back door in the evenings; the front door is locked at 5pm.
