

  本单元的语言点是关于 'will' 表推测的用法,请看下面的解释和例句。

Predictions: 'will'

Predications: will (可用来表示推测)
When we want to talk about something that we think will happen or predict to happen in the future, we can use 'will' plus the infinitive (without 'to'). The short form of 'will' is 'll.

In episode 88 of The Flatmates, when Tim's boss describes his plan, and says 'That'll take the heat off us', he is predicting the results of his plan.

Tim responds by making a prediction of his own: 'So somebody else will end up being charged with a crime they didn't commit.'

The negative form of 'will' is won't.

Tim makes a prediction about the police: 'Yeah, but the police won't just take my word for it?'

Adverbs with will (与will一起使用的副词):
We can use adverbs with 'will'. In positive sentences, they usually go between 'will' and the verb.

Tim's boss says 'it'll probably be you.'
'Tim will definitely be in trouble for this.'
'The police will never discover the truth.'

In negative sentences, the adverb goes before 'won't'.
'This probably won't take long.'
'I definitely won't need any help.

Other common expressions with will (其它有关的表达方式):

I expect - 'The concert finishes at 9 o'clock. I expect I'll be home by 10.'
I'm sure - 'It's a beautiful day. I'm sure you won't need a coat.
I think - 'The report is nearly ready. I think it'll be finished by the end of the week.'
I don't think - 'I don't think you'll enjoy this film.'
I wonder - 'I wonder what she will do next?'
