

  本单元语言点是条件句,"条件句"通常用来表示 - 可能的或想象的 - "情况"(即条件)和"后果"(或结果)。 真实条件句与虚拟条件句相反,假设条件的结果总是成立且真实。
The zero conditional

A conditional is used to talk about a possible or imaginary situation (the condition) and the consequences (or the result) of it.

The zero conditional - meaning 真实条件句 - 含义
We use the zero conditional to talk about something that will always happen (the result), if or when a particular condition is met.

Alice uses the zero conditional to tell Paul that whenever he next needs a babysitter in the future (the condition), he will always have to find someone other than Alice to help him (the result).

Next time you need a babysitter, find some other mug!
When it's 7.30, you go to bed Ellie.
If there's an emergency, Paul always helps at the hospital.

So, the meaning is that if the condition is met, then the result will always happen.

The zero conditional - form 真实条件句 - 句型
The zero conditional is made up of the condition (the 'if/when/next time' part of the sentence) and the consequence or the result.
There is always a comma (,) between the two parts of the zero conditional, when we start with the 'if' part:

Next time you need a babysitter, find some other mug!
When it's 7.30, you go to bed Ellie.
If there's an emergency, Paul always helps at the hospital.

But when we start with the result part of the conditional, we don't need a comma:
Find some other mug next time you need a babysitter.
You go to bed when it's 7.30.
Paul always helps if there's an emergency.

If, when, whenever 连接词
If and when or whenever mean the same thing in the zero conditional.

If it rains, she takes the bus = When it rains, she takes the bus.
Whenever he sees a spider, he screams. = If he sees a spider, he screams.

The zero conditional - time 真实条件句 - 时间
The zero conditional talks about things that are always true. Although it uses the present simple form, it doesn't refer only to the present, it refers to all time.

When you go to university, you need to work hard.
Whenever I call him, he's never there.
