

英语口语学习:真正的日常口语 2


We're not communicating.鸡同鸭讲

I feel very happy for you.我为你感到高兴

I'm gonna do the sweep.我要扫地

I'm old and loose.我已人老珠黄

It's appalling! 真吓人

It's scary!真可怕

It's been a nice chat, but I gotta go.很高兴跟你聊聊,可是我得走了

I'm on duty!我正在当班

I'm off duty.我下班了

Spook House! 恐布屋

Warp party! 杀青派对

You're not even close! 门都没有,八字都没一撇

End of story! 说完啦!

Is it all worth it? 值得吗?

Don't insult my intelligence! 不要侮辱我的智慧

Don't give me that! 少来这套

No compromises! 不妥协

This's not gonna work!这行不通的

I know it by heart.我牢记在心

She's a big gross.她很胖

Freeze! Split your legs! 别动,把脚(腿)分开

The backup will be here any minute! 支持马上就到

Knock it off! =Cut it out! 少来了,住手

Cut the crap! 少来了,胡说八道

What does it taste like? 尝起来如何?

Fall out! 解散

I'll find out! 我会查出真相的

This isn't easy for all of us.这对我们来说都不好受

Not a chance! =No way不行,不可能

I'm no fool, man! 老兄,我可不是傻瓜

Thank you for everything.谢谢你的一切(帮助)

We bloody got him! 我们可逮到他了!

That happens! 没关系,常有这种事(这种事常发生)

Do I owe her an apology? 我要向她道歉吗?

What's the catch? 卖什么关子?耍什么花招?

You were saying? 你刚才说到哪儿?

We're nailed! 我们被盯上了

She miscarried.她流产了

She lost her sight.她失明了

Look out! 小心

Stay back! 退回去

What're you getting at? 你打啥主意?

Let's hit the trail/road! 上路吧

Cat got your tongue? 说不出话了吧?怎么不讲话呢?

You got a moment? 有空吗?

You are my everything! 你是我的一切

They'll take you out! 他们会把你干掉

Very impressive! 真厉害

We're in good shape! 我们情况还不错

He's got balls!他很有种

He's got guts!他很有种

You have no balls! 你没种

You've got no guts!你没种

You're gutless!你没种

Let me get this straight.让我是把事情搞清楚,讲清楚
  • apology [ə´pɔlədʒi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.道歉(的话);辩解 四级词汇

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