

英语口语学习:真正的日常口语 6


Everybody listen up! 大家听好

Not this time! = Don't happen again!不会又来了吧!

Hess scored! 海斯成功了!

There's no God! 没天理,皇天无眼!

There's a God!天公有眼

Take a hike! 省省吧!得了吧!

Take a walk! 省省吧!得了吧!

Get in line! 等着吧!不必了!省省吧!

Take a number! 你省省吧!你等着吧!

We're on the right track.我们走的路没错

I don't know what you're getting at.我不晓得你在卖什么膏药

Make sure you get what you need.要确定你要得到你所要的喔

Welcome aboard.欢迎光临

I have nothing against you.我对你没意见

It's nothing personal.这不关私人恩怨

Show time! 开始啰!

Let's party! 开始啰!

He's in good hands.他情况很好

You talk as if I were some shrimp.不要把我当作软脚虾

Sure thing.当然啰

Not even think about it! 想都别想,门都没有

Back off! 退后

Don't you question my judgment again! 你不要再质疑我的判断力了

You'd better tell us right now! 你最好现在就实话实说

Or what? 否则呢?要不然呢?

I don't think we're going to make it.我不认为我们会成功

Nobody walks away! 所有人都不可以离开

Nobody leaves the room.所有人都不可以离开房间

Not the way I see it! =I don't think so! 我不认为如此

Use your head! 用大脑想想吧!

Can you go any faster? 你能快点吗?

He's slowing us down! 他拖累我们

I owe you one! 我欠你一次

You damn right you do! 你他妈的确实如此

He finally asked me out.我终于约我了

Keep an eye on Webster.小心韦伯

Thank God! 谢天谢地

He took off.离开了

It won't happen again.不会再发生这种事了

Almost got all of us killed.差点就把我们全部害死

How did you lose your sight? 你怎么失明的?

I don't know how to thank you.我不知该如何感谢你才好

I'll never ever do you wrong again.我不会再起不起妳了

It's a figure of speech.这只是个比喻而已

She got a big mouth.她是个大嘴吧

She found fault with everything.她吹毛求呲

I met her in person yesterday! 我昨天亲自跟她见面了

I couldn't handle it! 我受不了,我应付不来

It's not going to work.行不通的

Who gives it a shit! 谁在乎啊?

I don't give it a damn!我才不在乎呢!

Sorry, I'm being a pest.对不起,我越来越讨人厌了

Go! Piss off! 滚

Send for the doctor! 去请医师来

文章标签:口语  英语口语  日常口语  英语口语学习    
